Who Am I?
My name is JP "Dude" Griffin and I am the owner of Wass Normal with the support of my family as well. Mom is from Little Rock Arkansas and Pop is from Mississippi. The Most High has them meet in Pittsburg, California and created a Judite King that was born in 1989. Although, I'm not the creator of the name but rather the spelling all me. So the story is, I was relaxing in the garage with my sister and two of my homies partaking in extracurriculars. In the midst of that one of my homies, Highway Foe Bay Area Rapper, said out of nowhere, "What's Normal?" And of course everybody was confused because it was completely random. So He said it again, "What's Normal?" So I sat back and thought about it. Once I had that ahh moment I found it quite clever, this took place in 2015. That day in the garage stuck in my brain for the entire next year, and in 2016 I reached out to my friend, Highway Foe, to ask if he wanted to do something with that name 'What's Normal' but he didn't know what I was talking about or even that he had said it. I told him, "well I'm going to run with it!" From that point on I came up with the logo Jenkins, figured that I'd changed the spelling to 'Wass Normal' and launched in 2016 out of my mothers living room at that time. Shortly after that, May 2017, my daughter was born. Her birth resulted in me putting my equipment in storage and pausing the departure on the company for quite sometime. Fast forward to today 2021-2022, I'm back in action but since it had been so long I had to pretty much learn how to do everything all over again.I'm just getting back into the groove of things with the help of my family. Well I don't want to talk your ear off because I definitely will, You are appreciated indeed for even visiting my site. If you were curious of the origins and even made it this far, I Love you for that alone. This is your site as well as mine, I put my sweat into each design. I will always do what I need to do to ensure the happiness of customers. If you have a few ideas you'd like to share, to be used, then email them to us and I will ponder to use or not. Of course giving the credit where it is due.
-Wass Normal Apparel